Thursday, January 28, 2010

Note to self(and Candice).. dont go jogging in the winter

So, it's Tuesday night. After a hectic day of school, which was made better by my two hour lecture being cancelled, and allowing me to go sit with the girls at the Haiti fundraiser table. yay! And a tiny bit better by the fact the midterm I was studying for all day (not hard really), took 15 minutes to write, but it was multiple choice, soooooo Im not expecting good on that respect, but it wasnt bad.

So now, Im lying in bed just surfin the net, when Candice texts me. "Wanna go for a jog," now I'm thinking, hmm this sounds nice, I missing circuits therefore I should do something. So we go. now for all of you that know Freddy, you prolly know this, the city is F'in LAZY. What sarted as a "jog" soo turned horribly wrong. The walking trails of Freddy are covered in a nice coating of ice and snow, even after the massif amount of snow that melted that day, (which is why we thot it'd be ok) there was still only the BRIDGE that was "clear" clear being able to run on and not kill yourself.

Now,  having made it across the bridge, we continue on the trail, which seems promising. Not 5 mins later were we confronted with a MASSIF lake. So being the weaklings we are, we DIDNT cross it. lol. Instead, we decided to go through the snow field (which didnt have freezing water) to the sidewalk. During this jaunt, somehow it turned into a race (which I won! woot!), and this is where my story come to now. During our lil "race" I twisted my hip somehow... who knows running in calf high snow is hard, and it seems our adventure didnt like me, as I wake up today with aches all over. Boo. <3 u candice. lol

On a high note for our "adventure in downtown/northside freddy" going back across the Westmorland , we were bad and used the old sidewalks they had blocked off! woot for jumping barracades!

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