Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sick say wa?

-cough cough cough- Tis me. So I woke up this morning (friday) and discovered I had a VERY sexy voice.. yay. :( If anyone is jealous, I'm willing to share.... any takers? ye didnt think so.  So after a nice long day of attempting to do two assignments (plus class and TAing a lab) and only finishing 3/4 of one, I decided. Im sick, Im allowed to give up!

On a High note, Finally got to see K after a month long drought :( boo. and go dancing!!! <3 which was prolly not wise as I feel like crap now, and my predictions for the AM? No voice at all. sigh. I must say though, sweets def classed up! so much bigger!! kinda sad they got rid of the Rodeo, but wht can ye do.  There were also a lot of cougars there:s Dont they know they belong at the 20?!! Guess not. I hope im not as gross as some of those ladies when im their age. GAWDDDD.

Also had an awesome time at game night! WOOT BUZZ IS THE BEST!!!!! <3 I want to play this every week! hmmm.. -shifty eyes- This may have to happen.

-cough cough- okay, bed time! Now just to make it through work tomorrow! (PS VISIT ME!)


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