I went to school for 9am.. i just arrived home at 130am, not too happy about that, never even got a chunk of work done, it was just classes til 8 :( boo, tuesdays suck. I got an email last night telling me Im doing a tutorial for a course I TA, and was given the assignment solutions. So from this, Im to believe that I sit around and answer questions, but an hour before my session, i get another email with a bunch of practice questions. GAH. So with no time to review them ( I was in class) I just sorta wing them. Good thing only one person showed up, I think I sorta confused him on a topic, but I directed him to the right direction.
So right after this tutorial I had a 3hr class, which my assignment was due at the first of class. My assignment was on my laptop, which decided it would be a lilttle hellion. So what shouldve took 2 mins max to print a 2 page document, took over 20 mins, and I was of course late. Story of my life :( So Technology hates me today.
On a happy note, today my sorority was maning the Haiti Relief booth, and we made it on the SU facebook group site! woo! So thats exciting. :)
Anyone else think today was cursed?
YAY girls!